2) Bioenergy upscaling from cell to body

By vlalieu, 1 May, 2024
fractale linflux

In this module addressing the scale levels of human bioenergy, we delve into the mechanisms of vital energy propagation across various organizational levels, from the cell to the entire body. We study energy circulation through different tissues such as epithelium, connective, blood, muscular, nervous, osseous, and cartilaginous tissue. Next, we examine the organs and functional support systems, considering the entire body as an interconnected energy hologram. Beyond neuronal activity, the flow of bio-plasma through the Primo-Vascular system in combination with the bio-tensegrity of fascia are key elements of our paradigm, revealing the subtle nature of energy animating every aspect of our being. By deepening our understanding of the cell and its biochemistry, we discover the fundamental rules governing epigenetic expression and cellular metabolism. Finally, we explore the principles integrating these different organizational levels, examining scale waves, water coherence, and the homeostasis of our physiology.