About the Smyle Academy!

By vlalieu, 24 April, 2024

The Smyle Academy, a dynamic Kyrgyz-Belgian-French-Swiss initiative, is spearheaded by Vincent Lalieu, a passionate biologist and bioenergetician.

Our academy is dedicated to the systematic exploration of vital energy, designed as an interactive space where stimulating courses are offered. Here, we champion participatory teaching and a cooperative organization that unites diverse partners, all fueled by a shared enthusiasm for bioenergy.

At the Smyle Academy, we are devoted to teaching the biology of vitality (bioenergy).

Our mission is to illuminate the complexities of this vibrant, multidisciplinary field. We aim to be a hub for sharing experiences and best practices, welcoming your suggestions with open arms. Whether you're interested in discussing prana, vital energy, or even the potato, your contributions are eagerly awaited to enrich this joyous carnival of knowledge.

cognitive goal

We welcome partners who are eager to teach related subjects.

Pooling resources—locations, healthcare equipment, and more—is a cornerstone of our mission.

We embrace participatory knowledge gardening, inspired by the open-source software model.

Our platform features an activity agenda, a comprehensive database of resources, and a network of experts in the field of bioenergy.

We also serve as an incubator for innovative projects.

As a cognitive accelerator at the forefront of information technology and knowledge management, we align our practices with the principles of the contribution economy and participatory financing.

Smyle.Academy proudly workshops in Belgium, Switzerland, and Kyrgyzstan.