5) The Limbic centered Brain, our Center of Vitality

By vlalieu, 2 May, 2024
limbic brain

In this module, we delve into the heart of vital energy, the thalamus, the central pivot of the limbic system and human vitality. This cerebral processing center, in close collaboration with the hypothalamus and the singular gyrus, regulates a plethora of physiological, emotional, and cognitive functions. The thalamus, filled with intense hydration, plays a crucial role in coordinating energy flows, receiving and integrating a variety of sensory, emotional, cognitive, and even spiritual data. Its proximity to the primo-vascular system makes it an energy hub, receiving and redistributing vital flows throughout the body. As the guardian of self-control and consciousness, the thalamus guides selection, evaluation, and decision-making while orchestrating our stress response. It also welcomes spiritual inspirations conveyed by the pineal gland, a true spiritual antenna, connecting our inner being to transcendent dimensions, thus expanding our consciousness and perception of the universe. In symbiosis with the hypothalamus, the thalamus ensures the harmonious regulation of hormonal balance necessary for our physical and emotional well-being. Alongside the singular gyrus, it participates in managing affects, autonomous responses, and cognitive processes, the reward circuitry, thus weaving a complex network that influences our memory, visuospatial perception, vitality, and even our identity.